Schlagwort-Archiv: Q-School

More places to Q Tour instead of Q School?

The official WST graphic for Liam Pullen qualifying via Q School. Close to his picture his so called pro card says his date of birth is 11.07.2005 and he's English.
The only new face coming through UK Q School this year: Liam Pullen © World Snooker/Tai Chengzhe

The British version of Q School came to an end on Tuesday. Of the eight qualifiers, six were professionals from the past season. Only one newcomer, Liam Pullen, managed to qualify. Some of the participants expressed their frustration with the current system afterwards. Målin gives her own personal and possibly unpopular opinion on that matter. Weiterlesen

Q-School 2019 und die Turniere der neuen Saison

So stiefmütterlich stellt World Snooker dar, worauf wir uns in der neuen Saison freuen können.

Nachdem wir nach der WM alle wieder in das berühmte Loch gefallen sind, erholen wir uns nun schlagartig vom Snookerkater, denn das Qualifikationsturnier zur Saison 2019/2020 – die Q-School – ist seit gestern in vollem Gange. Weiterlesen